Register number: 3360431

Personal Experience

Personal Experience

Deepammatrimony - Personal experience

I am searching groom for my daughter with all online matrimony and ofcourse each site has huge database of groom details but my personal experience is that I have no idea about how truthfull the other person has disclosed information about themselves. As I am a graduate and doing my own business , I know how to access sites easily and search groom in sites but I felt that my daughter information at the risk of it being misused. I found that the sites has many old profiles some are engaged and also married. It is not properly updated. My brother who is farmer and and he use to say about Deepam matrimony where his son marriage got fixed . I went to deepammatrimony directly and gave my daughter Proflie directly with all information. At the time of registration I found more updated verified profile which gave me a new hope. I got valied profiles after registration. My daughter information and privacy were secured safely. I never get unwanted calls from groom side which doesn't suits my expectation. Within two month I found a groom details and horoscope it matches criteria of Me and my daughter. informed deepammatrimony service and they arranged meeting with groom family . We had nice interaction with in their office itself and my daughter marriage got fixed. I must say it is very easy to be connected with people who are really in search of life partner.
